
Boris Johnson

Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (2019-2022)

Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Leader of the Conservative Party, Foreign  Secretary, Mayor of London and is the Member of Parliament for Uxbridge and South Ruislip. 

In 2019 he led the Conservative Party to an extraordinary election victory, winning their biggest majority in the House of  Commons since 1987 and the highest share of the vote of any party since 1979. The result was a major realignment in  British politics, with Boris Johnson’s Conservatives winning unprecedented support in areas they had never before  represented. 

Delivering Brexit – the UK’s exit from the European Union – was Mr Johnson’s first major achievement in Downing Street.  His government shattered the political and parliamentary deadlock that crippled the process since the 2016 referendum  result. Under Mr Johnson’s leadership, the UK restored sovereign control over its borders, economy and lawmaking,  finally enacting the will of the British people. 

At home, he unleashed a visionary agenda of domestic policy reform, with a focus on infrastructure, education and  technology. He worked to ‘unite and level up’ the country, a major cross-government project to address regional  economic and social disparities with his ‘levelling up’ agenda. He worked to protect the union of England, Wales,  Scotland and Northern Ireland, and tackled unresolved challenges avoided by other administrations, such as adult social  care. 

When Covid-19 struck, he led the UK through the darkest days of the pandemic, at one point becoming seriously ill from  the disease. He commissioned the world’s foremost scientists and industrialists to work on a UK vaccine, resulting in the  discovery of the Oxford AstraZeneca jab. His government delivered the fastest vaccine rollout in Europe and the fastest  

booster rollout, allowing the UK economy to reopen and lifting restrictions more quickly than comparable countries.  Under Mr Johnson’s leadership, the UK emerged from the global crisis as the fastest growing economy in the G7. 

More recently, Mr Johnson emerged as the preeminent global leader in the effort to support Ukraine in its fight against  Russian invasion. Under his leadership the UK committed more than £2.4 billion in military assistance, huge  humanitarian support and became Ukraine’s foremost European political partner. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a  close friend. The Kremlin said it considers Mr Johnson ‘enemy number one’. 

Mr Johnson first entered Parliament in 2001 as MP for Henley. He was twice elected Mayor of London (with the biggest  personal mandate ever won in British politics). As Mayor he oversaw the London 2012 Olympic Games, commissioned  the new Routemaster bus, and introduced the now-ubiquitous “Boris Bike” cycle hire scheme. 

After being returned to the House of Commons in 2015, Mr Johnson served as Foreign Secretary, prioritising global  development work on girls’ education and female empowerment. He also led the Foreign Office response to Russia’s use  of a nerve agent on the streets of the English city of Salisbury. 

In addition to his work in politics, Mr Johnson is an award-winning journalist, writer and editor. He is the author of  almost a dozen books, from the globally bestselling historical biography of Winston Churchill, The Churchill Factor, to  the self-illustrated children’s book The Perils Of Pushy Parents. He edited the Spectator magazine for six years and has  written for dozens of major publications including, most notably, London’s Daily Telegraph

Mr Johnson, who was born in New York City, has a special affection for the United States. He was educated at Eton  College and the University of Oxford, and married his wife, Carrie, in May 2021.