Queen Diambi Kabatusuila
Democratic Republic of Congo
Her majesty Queen Diambi Kabatusuila was born of a Belgian mother and a Congolese father who was a diplomat in Brussels at the time. She grew up in Lemba and Limete in Kinshasa, Congo.
On August 31, 2016 she was crowned as the Traditional Queen of the Bena Tshiyamba People of Bakwa Indu of the Central Kasaï region, that is part of the ancient Luba Empire, that is today, in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Queen Diambi was enthroned by the Bakwa Luntu Chiefs on July 15, 2017 in Kananga and holds the title of ‘Mukalenga Mukaji Wa Nkashama Wa Bakwa Luntu’ (Woman King of the Order of the Leopard of the Bakwa Luntu People). She was vested in Kinshasa by the National Association Traditional and Customary Authorities of Congo (ANTC) on August 5, 2017.
On March 3, 2019, Her majesty was crowned in Salvador de Bahia, Queen Mother of the Bantu People of Brazil, the historical African Diaspora, which has a population of nearly 114 million people. The Queen was bestowed with the title of Grande Mãe do Povo Bantu do Brasil and received the Tiradentes Medal, the highest honor from Parliament in Brazil in March 2019.
On May 24 2022 she was crowned in Portobelo as the Queen of the Congo Descendants of Panama hence now representing the Congolese historical diaspora of Panama.